
The increasing of the BIG family........

One day...... we found out what "Me Me" did to "Xiang".....(refer to the video)

and this is the outcome of it...........

4 rabbits borned in the morning of 5/01/2009

and because of this, I skipped my first class......
It's a beautiful thing but.. just imagine when you woke up one morning and found somthing reddish just beside your pet...... At that moment, I was totally stunned.. At first I thought what happened to "Me Me" but when I look closer.... 4 new members joining the big family...

Xiang and his babies ( round 6 or 7 days old)

Xiang and his babies ( round 6 or 7 days old)



阿香越来越顽皮了,都几头痛一下咯,因为它喜欢跳到一堆盒子上然后再跳下来。我家的兔子是不是很有冒险精神 (“,)。前两天“报应”总于来了,阿香从盒子上(大约有1.3m左右) 往下跳时,一个不小心“扑街 ”了。。哈哈哈。。好死不死,牙齿断了一半,好像折断可是还挂在嘴里,搞到它不能吃东西,只能舔地上的草渣,好惨。今天把它带到兽医那里好好修理它,帮它拔牙。医生说还好没有伤到牙根。经过这次惨痛的经验,看阿香还敢顽皮吗, 哈哈哈~


Xiang angry dy.... T-T

This few days due to work, we didn't have much time to play with Xiang... Plus he had bite off too much of our wire in the room so he was kicked out from the room... Now.. he angry dy... He won't let us hug him or touch him... Once you reach out the hand he'll just run away... T-T
Xiang~~~ Don't be like this ler..... Sorry ler....

PS: But cannot blame us for kicking you out of the room... You had already bite off TOO many wire... I don't want keep fixing the wire... :P


Xiang's mating season~~~

Know what Xiang did during his mating season?????
HE RAPE ME!!!!!!!!

Part 1

Part 2


Hajime maste.. Yuroshiku~~

This is a blog which is specially made for my rabbits...
Just wish to make a development diary for them..
Now let me introduce them to you...

Name: 小笨蛋 (dumb dumb)

Age: 7 months
Gender: Boy
Breed: Angora Dwarft

Name: 阿香 ( Xiang )

Age: 7 months
Gender: Boy
Breed: Rex

Name: 咩咩 ( me me )

Age: 7 weeks
Gender: Girl
Breed: Loop ear

Yuroshiku neh~~~ ^^